Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Broken Heart (‾▿‾)┌(_o_)┐ (/‾▿‾)/

So this is what you feel if you broken heart? This is just really bothering me!!! It feels hurt, my heart feels like really broken. It really is broken, it's really hurt! My head can't spinning. My heart tore away! This is horrible... This is broken heart!!! I thought I never gonna think about you but it's wrong! Indeed I am the most miserable teenaager... Just say you love me and I'll say it back to you


Hello guys! I really miss ma blog, long time no open it! How are ya? I hope your fine here. I'm fine here :)
I've a poetry, I made a few days ago. This is ma first poetry and I'm happy that I can made it. Indeed this is for ma ex-bf. Alay. I wrote it because I was so really fucking missing him. Idk what i wrote. Poetry or Stories? It's up to you. Sorry if ma english still bad because just beginner. So let's read guys ;))

Why I Love You

my hand in yours
my head on your shoulder
my heart and my mind on our memories
I always remember about all of you
you sent a first text to me
and you just typed "I've been waiting so long."
I remember it...
when I talking with you
when we laugh each other
when you talking double-dutch
but in 2012 everything is end
because almost 5months I can't found best of yours that I found
you're really cool as pluto planet
I don't like your behaviour!
and I don't know how you do it
but you do it every day
but you always make me love you more and more
you make me smile, happy, laugh. sad, disappointed, angry and jealous
with every passing day
it's not the way you look at me
or listen when I talk
or kiss me the way you do
it's everything you do for me
you know why I love you till now?
I love you because you are you
but please read this carefully
you don't need to worry
you don't need to say "How are ya?" or "Are you okay?"
if you say it to me
you just make me hurt
Because I already move on, sp I shut my fucking past
I already gone for my own good
Ah Thank you so much! ♥ 

I hope you like it. See you next time. Thanks for look ma post and visit ma blog. BYEEE!

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Jeje :D

Aku punya teman namanya Jeje.Dia baaaaik banget. Yaaa dulu aku ngeliat orang cuman dari mukanya aja ya, tp si Jeje ini ga majang fotonya-_- dan pertama-tama aku cuek bgt sama Jeje. Lha aku pikir si Jeje ini orang negro hehe. Ternyata org bule tp ya ga ganteng-ganteng bgt lah hehe. Yaaa cm sekedar ngefans hehe.

Gini lho ya awal mula kita berjumpa di dunia maya#ceileeeeh. Gimana ya? Panjaaaang e haha males ceritanya:P Yaaaa pertama si Jeje yg ngechat aku trs cm aku bales pendeeeeek bgt ya secara aku males aku pikir dia negro dan aku jg ga bs bahasa inggris tp aku orangnya sok inggris lho :P jangan heran klo kalian ketemu aku :D Next trs aku minta fotomua gituuuuu sm Jeje, aku buka email trs ada deh fotonya. Pertamanya sih susah biaaanget buat dibuka tp akhirnya bs dibuka:D dari jam 4 sampe jam8 pagi kita masih chatting lho:P Yaaa buat hiburan aja, lha Danes klo jam segini belum bangun-_- aku selingkuh aja deh sama si Jeje. eh stop tapi aku cintanya cm sm kamu lho keboooooo:D eh kok aku merasa klo sumuk biaaangeeeet ya? keringeten nih-_- eh udah dulu yaaa. maksih udh baca postinganku :D klo jelek apa garing harapmaklum ya hehe. see you and thank you :))  

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Steps to Follow "When you first meet a new word"

Hey guys :D i have some steps. please read if you want. cakidot:)

when you first meet a new word you must follow this steps

 Is it a word that you have heard before?

 Can you break the word into parts? do you know the meaning of the parts?

 Do the other words in the sentence help you understand the new word?

If you are still not sure what the words means, look it up in a dictoinary :)


Sakit Hati

eh pagi pagi aku udah sakit hati lho.
kenapa sih?
eh masa ya di interpals gitu aku diajak chatting
cowok, dari turki kayaknya
udh aku chat lewat yahoo messenger
dia mintanya pake webcam
makjleb jederr aku ga bisa bahasa inggris ntr aku mau jawab apa?
yes no yes no?
memalukan eh-_-

he: open your webcam pls:)
me: sorry ya:(
he: I HATE chatting without webcam. so see ya. bye!
me: bye-_-

sumpaaaaaaaaah makjleb jlebjleb biaaaaanget eh
ah sudahlah emang kamu siapaku
okay lah teman biarkan aku sakit hati sendiri
bye :)

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Selena Gomez - Who Says

I wouldn't wanna be anybody else.
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else

Na na na
Na na na

I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me

Na na na
Na na na

You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life

Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says

It’s such a funny thing
How nothing’s funny when it’s you
You tell ‘em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth
It’s like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won’t let you touch the sky

Na na na
Na na na

I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me

Na na na
Na na na

You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life

Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful

Who says
Who says you’re not start potential
Who says you’re not presidential
Who says you can’t be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don’t pass the test
Who says you can’t be the best
Who said, who said
Won’t you tell me who said that
Yeah, oh

Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful

11 Factors to Consider to Choose a Wordpress Theme or Blogger Template

There are many websites that provide directories of free and premium Wordpress themes and Blogger templates. There are even more blog designers who offer free, premium and custom Wordpress themes and Blogger templates. With so many choices, how does a blogger decide which theme or template to use in his or her blog design? Easy. Just consider the 11 factors listed below to ensure you're making a good decision.

1. Budget

Wordpress themes and Blogger templates are either free, premium or custom. Free themes cost nothing and are available for anyone to use, anywhere and at anytime. That means many people could use the exact same theme. Premium themes typically have a price tag around $70. Anyone can buy them and use them on their blogs. Custom themes are created by a blog designer for a specific blog. They can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars and are completely unique to the blog they are created for. The first factor you need to consider is how much money you're willing to spend in order to get a unique look and increased functionality for your blog. It's not a certainty that free themes offer the least functionality, but it's usually true.
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2. Functionality

Determine how much functionality you want your blog to have. This depends on your goals for your blog. If you want to grow your blog, you'll want a theme that offers flexibility and enhanced functionality. For example, if you want to include ads on your blog but choose a 1-column blog theme, you will have very little choice in terms of where your ads can appear on your blog.

3. Investment on Additional Customization

All blog themes can be further customized from the original version you purchase. You might find a theme or template you really like but later realize the colors or fonts aren't exactly to your liking. This is a change a blog designer (or possibly you, with a bit of CSS research) can make fairly easily. However, the bigger the change, the more it will cost you.

4. Layout

One of the first things you should look at when you're researching Wordpress themes or Blogger templates is the layout. Most blogs are 2- or 3-columns. Some offer standard blog formats with a chronological list of blog posts flanked by sidebar columns, but other blogs use magazine style themes, photo themes, and more. Take some time to review a variety of blog designs to determine which layout style will work best for your blog.

5. Reputable Designer

Anyone can create a blog theme or template, publish it online and offer it for free or for a fee. It can be a hassle to change your blog's theme if you have a lot of content and customization (e.g., Wordpress plug-ins, customized sidebars with widgets, etc.). Make sure the blog theme or template you choose is from a reputable designer with a track record of creating great designs. Doing so ensures your blog theme or template will work correctly and include the best features and functionality.

6. Find Blogs with Designs You Like

A great way to choose a Wordpress theme or Blogger template is to browse blogs and find designs and layouts that you like. Then contact the blog owner and ask what theme or template they use. Often this information is included in the blog's footer!

7. View Other Sites Already Using the Theme You're Considering

If you find a theme or template online that you like, try to find some other blogs that already use that theme and take a look at them. Spend some time clicking deep into the site and testing the functionality from a user's perspective. Don't be afraid to email the theme or template designer and ask for a list of sites using that design. Good designers will be happy to share this information.

8. Design Elements

Consider design elements like color, fonts, and so on before you settle on a blog design. While design elements can usually be changed without much hassle by a person who knows CSS, that can be an additional investment if you need to find someone to help you. Take the time to look at how different heading styles look, how linked text appears, and so on to ensure you're happy with them.
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9. Functional Elements

Just as you took time to analyze the design elements in a blog theme or template, you should also take time to analyze the functional elements such as the "Read More" link at the end of posts, text in block quotes, the comments section, sidebar headers, post titles, the "Next" or "Previous" navigation, and so on. Each of these functional elements are very important to the user experience on your blog. Make sure they work (and look) the way you would want them to on your blog.

10. Read Reviews

One of the most important steps you can take when you're choosing a Wordpress theme or Blogger template is to take the time to read the reviews other bloggers write about them. If you're considering a theme or template listed in a directory site, check to see if reviews are included with the listing. Take some time to do a Google search on the theme name and designer's name to find out what other bloggers have to say about it.

11. Support

Be sure to find out what kind of support is offered with the theme. Is the designer available to answer questions? Is there a support forum where users help each other? Can you pay a fee to get support when you need it? The best themes offer some way for you to get help when you need it.